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 Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007

Ići dole 

Broj poruka : 296
Localisation : Bgd
Datum upisa : 12.06.2007

Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007 Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007   Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007 Icon_minitimeSub Okt 20, 2007 2:10 pm

Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007
1 B. Hanley Prema Powerteam
2 D. Valsecchi Epsilon Euskadi
3 C. Piccione RC Motorsport
4 M. Pavlovic Draco Multiracing USA
5 G. van der Garde Victory Engineering

II trka
1 G. Moreau KTR
2 M. Molina Pons Racing
3 J. Jousse Tech 1 Racing
4 A. Parente Tech 1 Racing
5 C. Iaconelli Pons Racing
posle 24 kruga Milos je odustao
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Grand Prix of France - 23 September 2007
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